
Soon you will check-in online before getting to the hotel

par Living Parisian team


Check-in is an essential step during a trip. The first companies which understood the interest of an online check-in are airline companies. For almost ten years they have asked their clients to pre-check in online in order to manage their reservations, and most of all to sell extra services they could not sell at the frontdesk of the airport.

It is a new way for them to get organized and find new ways to get revenues. But what really hides behind this and how will hotels inspire of this to offer their own check-in systems?

When you embark on the adventure of an online check-in, the airline company usually suggests you to choose a seat and then to print your boarding pass. Some companies, like Air France, also suggest you to print your luggage tag. You just then have to drop off your luggage to a specially appointed frontdesk called Online Check-in.


Proves are here. The Online Check-in system can reduce management and assistance costs by 50% because it allows the hotel or the operator to confirm many important informations, such as check-in time, check-out time, crib request… It will also get the guest’s true mail address. Most reservation sites indeed do not transmit the real address (but an alias for example) so that the reservation cannot be direct. Some of these informations are crucial for an establishment’s organization. It is easy to imagine that someone in charge of housekeeping will get the best possible planning for his cleaning service for example if he knows check-in and check-out times.

An Online Check-in system can do much more than optimizing resources. Airline companies also use it to sell extra services. For example, on EasyJet, you can pay to have a seat closer to the window. But they do not only sell services on board. Many companies now offer travel insurances, car renting at the destination or becoming a fidelity program member.

Living Parisian is the first society offering an Online Check-in system for hotels and holiday renting companies. The check-in system is linked to the Channel Manager Anywhere and they work together. Managers can open or close the Online Check-in whenever they want and the guest will be warned by a notification on the reservation site (Booking or Airbnb for example) that he must complete his Online Check-in before arrival. The establishment can offer all services on its online check-in portal without even knowing about computing.

« Future is made of hotels with a partial cloud reception »

Bryant Wells - Onemar Associates Inn.

At the moment, in France, only Accorhotels group use an electronic check-in. Developing a complete Online Check-in system is very expensive and only some large multinational groups have done it. Living Parisian’s solution finally offers to independent establishments an Online Check-in with all tools necessary to customize it.

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